CNN filming in Sao Paulo

Maria Esther Bueno returned home to Sao Paulo earlier this week to prepare for filming of a CNN feature on Friday at her club, Sociade Harmonia de Tenis. The feature is a preview of the Olympic Tennis Event at Rio…

Go Andy!

Murray wins the men’s title at Wimbledon It was a historic occasion as fans chanted ‘Go Andy!’ in encouragement of Andy Murray’s mission to win his second Wimbledon title on Sunday. Maria Esther Bueno was there. “It was never in…

Drama at Wimbledon

Federer falls… Drama at Wimbledon as Maria Esther Bueno’s prediction of a Federer / Murray does not come to pass, with Roger defeated in five sets by Milos Raonic on Friday. “I was really sorry to see Roger lose,” she said.…

Reaching the sharp end of Wimbledon

Beckenham celebrates Maria Esther Bueno enjoyed the band at Beckenham Lawn Tennis Club in celebration of the Beckenham Cricket Club’s 150th Anniversary on the eve of Wimbledon. “We were so lucky because it poured with rain in the afternoon and…

Thoughts on Paris

Maria Esther Bueno arrived in London in time to follow the conclusion of the French Championships in Paris last week and gave her thoughts on Roland Garros and the new champions to her website. “The weather was just awful there,”…