Maria Esther Bueno carries the Olympic Torch in Sao Paulo


Maria Esther Bueno, Torchbearer 2016

Maria Esther Bueno, Olympic Torch bearer 2016

Bradesco Olympic Torch Ambassador

“It was the most thrilling experience of my life!” exclaimed Maria Esther Bueno after carrying the Olympic Torch through the main street in Sao Paulo on Sunday 24 July.

Named the Best Latin American Tennis Player of the 20th Century to celebrate the Millennium, Maria Esther recalled: “This was as thrilling as the [ticker tape] parade I got after winning Wimbledon for the first time!

Memories of 1959

Memories of 1959

“I was escorted on a fire truck from the airport to the city on roads lined by thousands of people in the middle of the night because the flight had been delayed!

“Today I was No 64 in Segment 8 and part of a national relay team!

“This was incredible, running with the torch along [the] Avenida Paulista, very close to my home, with my family, friends and their dogs cheering me on, and masses of other people waving and shouting.

“It is absolutely amazing to be a part of the Olympic Games!”

The Olympic torch relay progressed through the city of São Paulo, taking around 12 hours and travelling over 51 km, passing by many important landmarks on its way and protected by its special guards running alongside.

In addition, 2,500 military police were deployed to accompany the procession to prevent any disruptive incidents that were feared.

Olympic volleyball champion in Barcelona, Spain, in 1992, Amauri Ribeiro opened the relay at 7:45 in the Ipiranga Museum, and the parade ended at 19h50 with a show featuring Brazilian singers Luan Santana and Ludmilla at the Anhembi Sambadrome.

Former football players Zetti (São Paulo), Rivelino (Corinthians) and Ademir da Guia (Palmeiras) lit the Olympic pyre that evening.

“It’s too much emotion. I am flattered by the honour, “said Amauri, current coach of the Brazilian national paralympic volleyball, who kicked it all off in the morning.

Among the torchbearers were the basketball player Anderson Varejao, the skateboarder Bob Burnquist, singer Daniel, swimmer Gustavo Borges, cartoonist Laerte, presenter Sabrina Sato and actor Tony Ramos, as well as other well-known figures related to culture and sports.

“It is wonderful seeing so many athletes and celebrities getting so involved with the Olympics,” said Maria Esther. “The excitement is growing as Rio 2016 gets closer. Everyone is excited.”

At the corner of Paulista Avenue with Haddock Lobo street, the Olympic rings bobbed in the air, held by steel cables and holding dancers aloft, while on the other side, an orchestra, also suspended high in the air, enthralled the crowds.

A small number of political protestors wielded balloons in red and black colours in a peaceful demonstration.

Other attractions included presentations by Demons of Drizzle band and the Brazilian Orchestra of Jamaican Music.

“The entertainment was extraordinary and although it only took minutes for the torch to pass by, spectators, of course, were waiting for a long time so they had something to enjoy,” Maria Esther commented. “It also gave a real sense of occasion.

“On my run I followed the Bradesco truck that was filming me all the way,” she added. “They kept calling out ‘Cabelo! [hair]’ and I realised I was almost setting my hair on fire with the Torch!

“They also had me hitting forehands and backhands!

“It is just the most indescribable experience. I wish all my friends around the world could have seen it. I felt so proud, so honoured and very emotional. Happy!

“They gave me an extra segment so I ran quite a long way and I actually did run, although slowly. I didn’t want it to end…

“At the end, after lighting the next torch, they take you to one side where I was practically mobbed by everyone and I stood for a while there signing autographs and posing for pictures before going up onto a stage that Bradesco had constructed.

“I was greeted by [Master of Ceremonies] Ottaviano Costa, who was very complimentary about me… lots of confetti! It was lovely!”


Stepping off the bus when it was all over… but family are nearby with a happy surprise.

As the most famous Brazilian female athlete of all time, Maria Esther was one of the big stars in the Olympic Torch Relay on Sunday.

The Wimbledon champion and owner of a total of 19 Grand Slam titles did not have the opportunity to compete in the Olympic Games because the sport was excluded from the Olympic program between 1928 and 1988.

She is making up for it this year, with her name now adorning the main Olympic Tennis Stadium in Rio de Janeiro ahead of the start of the Olympic Tennis Event, which starts on 6 August with all the top names in the game competing for medals.

As a Bradesco Olympic Torch Ambassador, Maria Esther is enjoying every minute of her involvement.

“Everything was filmed by both Bradesco and TV Globo so there should be footage around soon.”

In fact, a feature appeared in the popular TV show ‘Fantastico’ which aired on Sunday evening on Globo 1.

Fantástico [Portuguese for Fantastic —The Show of the Life] is a Brazilian national weekly television news magazine that lasts two hours.

Currently presented by Tadeu Schmidt and Poliana Abritta, it is recognised as one of the best programs of Brazilian television, besides being the most watched show on Sunday.

Click HERE.

Bradesco, sponsor of Rio 2016

Bradesco is an official sponsor of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016 Team Brazil as well as the Olympic Torch Relay.

In fact, the bank has supported the Olympic Games since Brazil was selected by the International Olympic Committee to host the competition in 2009.

CmPhDykW8AA8CNaBradesco also sponsors six national confederations, including judo, basketball, water sports, rugby, sailing and rowing.

“I am very proud to be a Bradesco Ambassador,” said Maria Esther.

“And I was so pleased to see all the directors from the bank supporting me on Sunday. It was just great!

“Everything was so well organised. I kept worrying about how it would all work but it all fell into place – from collecting the uniforms, meeting at the pick-up point, travelling on the bus and then being dropped off to wait for the flame to arrive.

“It was a fantastic experience from start to finish and then everyone wanted to look at the torch!

Maria Esther Bueno, Olympic Torchbearer [Photo by Gaspar Nóbrega]

Maria Esther Bueno, Olympic Torchbearer [Photo by Gaspar Nóbrega]

Maria Esther was invited into Bradesco’s main branch on Avenida Paulista and spent some time there.

“I felt very privileged to be able to meet all the staff there and to have a chance to talk with them. Again there were lots of pictures taken!

“Then, when we finally finished, I had another wonderful surprise when my nephews took me off for a family celebration with all the kids and the dogs and everyone… there I was in my uniform having a marvellous time!

“Such a magical day!”

It made the headlines the following day: